After you have prepared your design, there are a few other things to take into consideration.

Search Engine Optimization

Having a presence on the web helps your business to provide your customers with 24-hour access to information and products, even when your business is closed! This aspect of owning a website can be very beneficial to business owners. It gives your customers a place to visit to find out store hours, contact information, more information about your company, and potentially can be a place for customers to purchase your products.

Another benefit to owning a website for your business can be had with search engine optimization (SEO). By optimizing your site for search engines, your site can begin to generate organic web traffic from internet users searching for products and services that you offer. You can utilize search engine traffic to bring more customers to your site; many of them may never have heard of your business before!

There are many components to search engine optimization. Generating keywords and tailoring your site's content to match those keywords are just an example. Search engine optimization also starts with registering your site with all of the major search engines for indexing once it is complete and available on the internet. There are also many technical aspects to search engine optimization that we here at Liquid Tree Design build into our sites automatically to insure that our customers get maximum benefits from our efforts. Clean, source-ordered html and correct use of the underlying code is essential to achieving a good page rank in search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

Updating Content

Having up to date, fresh content is also important to a website. Fresh content is a good way to help your site's search engine rank, as discussed above, and keeps customers coming to your site. When planning for your website, think about what information you want to offer and how you can make your site useful to your customers, so that they keep coming back for more.