The first step toward having a website is registering a domain name. A domain name is a recognizable name that points users to your website when they enter it in their internet browser (e.g., Your new domain name will be your company's home on the web, so it is important that you choose the right one.
Choosing a Domain Name
For helpful information about choosing and registering a domain name, see our articles about domain name registration and tips for choosing your domain name.
Domain Registration Costs
When you choose Liquid Tree Design to create your website, one domain name registration will be included in your start up cost. Any additional domain names cost $20 per year to register. If you are transferring a domain name to us, the first one will likewise be included, with each additional transfer or registration also $20 per year. Other pricing may be applied for non-standard top level domains (e.g.,,,, etc.).
DNS Management
If you choose to register a new domain through us, or transfer an existing domain to us, we can manage your DNS settings to ensure proper routing, mail service and web traffic analytics configuration and reporting.